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My name is Emily.

I am from James Cook University, Singapore and I am studying Psychological Science.


I love baking, making floral arrangements, and traveling. You can listen to my song recommendations on our Spotify playlist!


The Lord has been gracious in opening my eyes to things unseen. He places things He knows I can do yet sometimes they seem far-fetched and so extensive. What is more heartening are the people He places in and out of community. All of them serve to teach me how to be a disciple who seeks the Lord on this daily journey. I am reminded time and time again that faith is an everyday choice & that I am not left alone. People share common and the seemingly uncommon struggles – all of which, are again a testament of the Lord’s presence.


Certainly, this journey to Calvary is not without its challenges and choices, but we are assured that we can share the weight of these crosses, no matter their form. I often wonder where the Lord calls me to in this season of life, doubting if I am at where I am supposed to be. Yet I know that wherever I am at is a purposeful time and space for me to grow and meet new others who are on a similar journey to seek ye first. Humbled that the Lord has brought me to new people from many different schools and backgrounds, who have been ever so patient, hospitable, and generous in love.


- Emily Chia, 2020

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